
25 Strange Products And Items For Sale

Two images from /r/ofcoursethatsathing
Two images from /r/ofcoursethatsathing

Published March 05, 2025

Published March 05, 2025

The world is filled with products and things to purchase and use. Everyone wants to be the person to come up with the next hot product that everyone wants. Since there are so many products and items out there, it is kind of unbelievable that there is anything left out there to create. Lo and behold, though, people are making new products all the time. Snacks, inventions, clothing items, and more.

While it is a lot of fun to see all of the options out there, how much of it is truly necessary? There is every flavor of chip imaginable and every snack anyone could ever want. There is a solution for every small problem, and so much more out there to buy. There really is just about anything for anyone on the shelf in some store, or online. It keeps things exciting.

Many of these odd items can be found online. If they aren't online, many people share them when they see them in person. So, enjoy these 25 items, inventions, and products that people thought the world might need.

The Shaq gummies

(Source: Reddit)

This phone case

(Source: Reddit)

Rap snacks

(Source: Reddit)

Urinal games

(Source: Reddit)

The burger pillow

(Source: Reddit)

Light-up chopsticks

(Source: Redd)

This gender reveal option

(Source: Redd)

Windows drink

(Source: Reddit)

Chicken helmets

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

A real cheeseburger

(Source: Reddit)

Tiny lunchbag for yogurt

(Source: Reddit)

Rope bologna

(Source: Reddit)

Jeep jewelry

(Source: Reddit)

Dr. Pepper float ice cream

(Source: Reddit)

$1700 grass shoes

(Source: Reddit)

Heeled Crocs

(Source: Reddit)

A swan ladle

(Source: Redd)

To play mobile games

(Source: Reddit)

A mountain napkin holder

(Source: Reddit)

This pencil sharpener

(Source: Reddit)

To keep your book open

(Source: Reddit)

A waffle bowl maker

For easy pizza cutting

For clean shaving

Tags: of course that's a thing, /r/ofcoursethatsathing, weird products, odd products, mildly interesting, interesting, reddit, the internet, social media, weird items, odd items, strange products, weird inventions, hmmm,