
25 Strangely Hilarious Signs Spotted In The Wild

Two images from /r/funnysigns
Two images from /r/funnysigns

Published December 04, 2024

Published December 04, 2024

There are millions of signs out there in the world, both online and in real life. Signs are needed for all kinds of reasons. They help businesses advertise and help people find the products and sales they need. They guide people on the roads and on pathways so everyone can get to where they are going. They also caution people of potential dangers ahead and educate them on important, fun information. Signs are necessary, but they are also a kind of evil.

Signs take up a lot of space. They regularly block natural views and obstruct pretty scenery. They get in the way and a lot of the time they are just boring. So how does someone fix this problem? By making them funny. Funny signs get noticed way more than other signs. Funny signs actually get people listening, and sometimes they are even shared online so that even more people see them. Funny signs are a win-win situation for everyone involved. Who doesn't love to see a small piece of comedy on a normal day?

Reddit's /r/funnysigns is a subreddit where anyone can share the most humorous signs and notices they have seen in the wild. Here are 25 of them making people's days every day.


(Source: Reddit)

A clever pub

(Source: Reddit)

For your convenience

(Source: Reddit)

Free straw

(Source: Reddit)

You were warned

(Source: Reddit)

Hang on…

(Source: Reddit)

See ya

(Source: Reddit)

What a deal

(Source: Reddit)

So toxic

(Source: Reddit)

Stay out

(Source: Reddit)

In the bathroom?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

How ominous

(Source: Reddit)

A fair deal

(Source: Reddit)

Ready to help

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

You sure?

(Source: Reddit)

Make up your mind

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

So… now what?

(Source: Reddit)

Just low on the list

(Source: Reddit)

Good advice

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Whatever you say

(Source: Reddit)

That's life

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: funny signs, /r/funnysigns, signs, hmmm, /r/hmmm, mildly interesting, /r/mildlyinteresting, oddly specific, /r/oddlyspecific, weird signs, sign, store signs, road signs, funny store signs, puns, jokes, dad jokes, corny jokes,