
25 Tattoo Fails Someone Definitely Regrets

Two images from r/shittytattoos
Two images from r/shittytattoos

Published January 09, 2024

Published January 09, 2024

With big and life changing decisions, it's best to give them a lot of consideration. Tattoos are one thing that should be given a lot of time and thought. Tattoos can be a great thing for so many people for so many reasons. They are a way for people to express their own creativity, remember a person, place, pet or thing, or just as a way to feel more confident about themselves. Tattoos are amazing, but tattoo fails are not.

Tattoo fails are permanent disasters. They are embarrassing and hard to get rid of. They can really only be covered, attempted to fix, or treated with lasers to remove. Basically to get rid of a bad tattoo, it's just a pain. That's why giving a lot of thought to a tattoo is important.

Reddit has several tattoo-shaming subreddits that collect and share the worst of the worst. These tattoos are either bad in design, inherently, in execution, or both. Here are 25 tattoos that went terribly wrong in some way or another. These are permanent reminders to think twice before making big decisions.


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Huge Yikes

(Source: Reddit)

That Won't Age Well

(Source: Reddit)

Shockingly Bad

(Source: Reddit)

Harley Chicken

(Source: Reddit)

Dragon Bite?

(Source: Reddit)

Rather Bold

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Oh God

(Source: Reddit)

Imagine Getting a Twilight Tattoo

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Oh Man

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

That's Kind of Fire

(Source: Redd)


(Source: Reddit)

Tomb Raider

(Source: Reddit)

Permanently Confused Face

(Source: Reddit)

A Very Faded Snail

(Source: Reddit)

Not Surprised

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Redd)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Portraits Are Hard

(Source: Reddit)

Gone Wrong

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: bad tattoos, cringe, brad pitt, tattoo, fail, wolves, twilight, cat, garfield, gypsy rose, gypsy rose blanchard, tomb raider, tiktok, collections,