25 Technical Truths No One Can Argue With
![25 Technical Truths No One Can Argue With Two images from /r/technicallythetruth](
![25 Technical Truths No One Can Argue With Two images from /r/technicallythetruth](
The logic that lives in some people's brains is truly impressive. The truth isn't always a good thing, sometimes the truth hurts, and sometimes it just isn't necessary. The truth can be boring and plain, or sometimes it can be fun when it's a technical truth. Technical truths are the kinds of sentences, statements, and even memes that say something too true to argue with. A lot of the time these kinds of answers and truths aren't what anyone wants or needs to hear, but they provide endless amounts of entertainment for everyone.
Technical truths are usually filled with "dad joke" types of humor, and they are sarcastic and silly, but they are logical and make plain sense. The internet loves this kind of humor, and that is apparent within Reddit's /r/technicallythetruth, the subreddit full of technical truths everyone loves. Here are just 26 of them that are delightful to see.