25 Technical Truths That Make Total Sense

There are some comments and statements in life that just cannot be argued with by anyone. Sometimes, the truth is a terrible, painful thing. Not only can the truth be hard to hear and to tell, but it can be super boring, too. Having to tell the truth or hear the truth just is not that fun. The only time the truth is fun is when it's a technical truth. A technical truth is an unexpected, unasked-for comment or answer that just cannot be argued with because it's technically not wrong. Technical truths come in many forms. From comments to memes to answers to questions; there is no saying when a technical truth might pop up.
Technical truths are just fun to see, the Internet loves them for how random they are. Many people have shared these moments of technical truths with the world to see and cherish. They are easy to enjoy because they just make sense. Here are 24 technical truths everyone can appreciate.