25 Technically True Comments That Just Make Sense

Some comments and statements in life just cannot be argued with. The cold, hard truth is terrible sometimes. The truth can be hard; it can be sad, and it can be pretty boring, as well. For the most part, no one likes hearing or telling the truth because it isn't that fun… unless it's technically true. When something is technically the truth, it might not be expected, but it's just so accurate that no one can argue with it. A technical truth could be a joke, it could be a meme, it could be an answer to a genuine question, or it could just be a random comment someone decided to make, like a shower thought.
Technical truths can be found all over the web and in real life. They are so entertaining to see that many people have chosen to share them with the world. Technical truths can be enjoyed by everyone because they make such perfect, plain sense. Here are 25 technical truths that everyone will be able to giggle about today.