25 Terrible Finds From The Depths Of Reddit

There are plenty of bizarre images to be seen on the web. The internet is full of mysteries and people posting all day long. There is no saying what is going to pop up next during a regular scrolling session, and that's half the fun of being online. While there is lots of good stuff to see, there are just as many, if not more, utterly deplorable images out there that no one wants to see.
The images that can be found on Reddit's /r/TIHI are the kinds of images that make a person feel a weird way. The name of the subreddit stands for "thanks, I hate it", which is about the only reasonable reaction to have to any of the pictures found on there. From odd drawings and illustrations to thrift store finds to interesting scenes found in nature, there is a whole lot of weird stuff to be seen. Here are 25 uncomfortable images that no one really appreciates seeing, for those who like the creepier things in life.