
25 Things People Hated Recently

Two images from /r/TIHI
Two images from /r/TIHI

Published June 24, 2024

Published June 24, 2024

There are a lot of things uploaded to the Internet every single day, like millions of things. Some of these things are real winners, but many are not, unfortunately. People post stuff online for many reasons. Sometimes to spread joy and sometimes to spread horror. That is what the photos in Reddit's /r/TIHI are.

This subreddit, which stands for "thanks, I hate it," is full of all the images and things that users found and really, really hated. A lot of the content in there leaves people feeling a little uncomfortable, a little confused and overall just wondering why it was needed online. There isn't much left to say about the stuff featured in this subreddit other than a confused sigh and a shake of the head. So for anyone who enjoys the more disturbing things in life, here are 25 things that people on the internet found and really hated.

Bubble eye goldfish

(Source: Reddit)

Dutch toilets

(Source: Reddit)

Zombie salmon

(Source: Reddit)

It is uncomfortable

(Source: Reddit)

The jimono

(Source: Reddit)

That reindeer?

(Source: Reddit)

I'd probably eat it

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

This Despicable Me poster

(Source: Reddit)

"The sink after he shaves" nails

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Fried chicken candy

(Source: Reddit)

This elevation globe

(Source: Reddit)

Hate this

(Source: Reddit)

Pickle buns

(Source: Reddit)

Bagged Pringles… just seems wrong

(Source: Reddit)

Edible eyes

(Source: Reddit)

A hermit crab with eggs

(Source: Reddit)

This meal…

(Source: Reddit)

This cat whisker collection

(Source: Reddit)

Oh great

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The real cheeseburger

(Source: Reddit)

This stool

(Source: Reddit)

This hot sauce fountain

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/tihi, thanks i hate it, tihi, fish, goldfish, hmmm, salmon, oddly terrifying, fashion, hmm, fail, food, mildly interesting, insects, bugs, movie posters, movies, despicable me, minions, tiktok, nail art, looney tunes, stupid food, candy, collections,