
25 Things That Have Drastically Changed Over Time

Two images from /r/wellworn
Two images from /r/wellworn

Published November 08, 2024

Published November 08, 2024

Time takes its toll on everyone and everything; everyone knows that; it's just a fact of life. Over time, things change, and a lot of the time, these changes aren't always noticed because they happen slowly, over the course of decades sometimes. The changes are there, though; it's only when someone sees something new that the realization hits. It's cool to see how things change from wear and usage. Staircases, shoes, keys… everything is worn down over time.

It isn't often people truly get to see how drastically something has changed over time, that's what Reddit's /r/wellworn is there for. This subreddit allows people to share photos of things that have worn down over time and comparison photos of things new and old. It's an interesting subreddit to scroll through and might make you look at things a little differently. Take a closer look at objects and spot the wear and tear for yourself. Here are 25 photos showcasing how things change over time.

Old shoes, new shoes

(Source: Reddit)

Before and after power washing

(Source: Reddit)

Not taking out an ID after years results in this

(Source: Reddit)

Where people put utensils down

(Source: Reddit)

Very secure…

(Source: Reddit)

That new boot feeling

(Source: Reddit)

Many people have sat

(Source: Reddit)

Replacing the plow

(Source: Reddit)

150,000 miles later…

(Source: Reddit)

These stairs

(Source: Reddit)

After lots of scratches

(Source: Reddit)

This stop sign is sun-bleached

(Source: Reddit)

By the cash register

(Source: Reddit)

The gym rope is hanging in there

(Source: Reddit)

The bathroom floor at a bar

(Source: Reddit)

This antique palm-reader

(Source: Reddit)

This cooler handle

(Source: Reddit)

This softened Lego keychain

(Source: Reddit)

This office chair

(Source: Reddit)

This spoon is over 60 years old

(Source: Reddit)

Wonder what the password is…

(Source: Reddit)

Gate wheel carved into the pier

(Source: Reddit)

Time for a new broom

(Source: Reddit)

Hitting your knuckles while sharpening

(Source: Reddit)

This key, after 300,000 miles driven

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: well worn, /r/wellworn, mildly interesting, cats, things over time, interesting images, worn down things, old things, retro things, cool photos, worn down items, hmmm, /r/hmmm, /r/mildlyinteresting, well worn items, well worn objects, collections,