
25 Things That Have Worn Down Over Time

Two images from /r/wellworn
Two images from /r/wellworn

Published 3 months ago

Published 3 months ago

Time changes many things. It's probably one of the biggest factors of change in life. Time takes its toll on everything, people, places, and objects. As time passes wear and tear shows on just about everything. A lot of the time the wear isn't even noticeable because it builds up so slowly. Take shoes, for example, some shoes are worn every single day and it's only months or years later when any kind of wear and tear is noticed. A whole lot of small scuffs over time eventually turn things into something completely new.

It's cool to see a side-by-side of how something looked new compared to years of use. It's fun to see how things get used. Reddit's /r/wellworn is a subreddit made for users to share the objects in life that have changed the most with time. From clothing items to chairs to childhood toys, this is how time affects everything in life.

The same hat after two years of use

(Source: Reddit)

The flag pole attachment

(Source: Reddit)

The volume down and repeat buttons

(Source: Reddit)

The rope attachment on the gym cable machine

(Source: Reddit)

A year of use

(Source: Reddit)

Six years of sitting

(Source: Reddit)

Three years of walking

(Source: Reddit)

Wallet wear and tear

(Source: Reddit)

This phone bought in 2015, still being used

(Source: Reddit)

The tires of a curb-side delivery truck

(Source: Reddit)

Wheelie chair tracks

(Source: Reddit)

The thing on top is the 21-year-old blanket

(Source: Reddit)

Debit card, used until expired

(Source: Reddit)

Prosthetics over time

(Source: Reddit)

Bathroom doors, men vs women

(Source: Reddit)

20-year-old extension cord

(Source: Reddit)

This poor hat

(Source: Reddit)

Fatigue mat left holes in the floor

(Source: Reddit)

So many pets

(Source: Reddit)

Fake door at IKEA

(Source: Reddit)

A tale of two teddies

(Source: Reddit)

Clipboard after 30 years of crosswords

(Source: Reddit)

So cute

(Source: Reddit)

This knife after years of sharpening

(Source: Reddit)

40 years of staples

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/wellworn, well worn, things over time, mildly interesting, facebook, cars, music, the gym, working out, phones, technology, shoes, nike, portal, hmmm, interesting, over time, comparisons, the internet, social media, history, collections,