
25 Times People Totally 'Didn't Mean To' Do These Things

Two images from /r/oopsdidntmeanto
Two images from /r/oopsdidntmeanto

Published November 04, 2024

Published November 04, 2024

It's best to think about things before saying or sending them. Everyone should try to not be cringeworthy, but it happens. What's worse than being cringe is trying to say you didn't do that thing at all, and backpedaling out of it. Sure, maybe you said something super embarrassing and regretful, or maybe that post was a little cringeworthy, but saying you didn't do something you totally did do is just going to make things so much worse.

Everyone has sent a risky text before; everyone has posted something a little embarrassing, it's a learning opportunity. Would you rather be made fun of for that, or for trying to say you never did the thing in the first place? Well, for these people, they chose the latter and tried to cover up any evidence of their mistakes… poorly. Reddit's /r/oopsdidntmeanto is a subreddit where people expose others for trying to say they didn't do something they clearly did. It could be a rude message, a terrible comment or a random selfie. Here are 25 people not owning up to their actions.

Silly me!

(Source: Reddit)


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That poor cat

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After an accidental post of them singing

(Source: Reddit)

Cringe, sure buddy

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Subtle brag

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This is kind of funny

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Believe it or not!

(Source: Reddit)

That's so crazy

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How does that even make sense?

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Not interested

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Definitely an MLM thing

(Source: Reddit)

Hate when this happens!

(Source: Reddit)


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They just have a mind of their own…

(Source: Reddit)

Hackers, man

(Source: Reddit)

A dare

(Source: Reddit)

Oh yeah, totally reasonable

(Source: Reddit)

And it came out so flawless

(Source: Reddit)

Totally believable

(Source: Reddit)

I can hear his tears through the screen

(Source: Reddit)

Just a prank

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: oops didn't mean to, /r/oopsdidntmeanto, cringe, cringeworthy, instagram, social media, embarrassing, that happened, /r/thathappened, facepalm, /r/facepalm, hmmm, people being cringe, cringe people, oops, whoops, delusional people, collections,