25 Times Perfect Craftsmanship Was Used For Questionable Things
Perfecting a craft doesn't come easily at all. It takes a lot of time, talent, dedication, and money to become a great artist or crafter. Not everyone can do it either. Those who can make amazing sculptures, great fashion, little gadgets, and whatnot do deserve some credit, but sometimes these skilled hands are attached to the strangest of minds. People with bizarre ideas bring them to life and thrust something upon the world that no one really asked for. These pieces of art are confusing, who would ever want them in their house? But the skill behind them is impeccable.
On Reddit's /r/ATBGE, which stands for "awful taste, but great execution," is an infamous subreddit which contains many images of oddities found in the wild. These things, from tattoos to articles of clothing to cars, were made with the most questionable taste. Here are 25 of them that might confuse you today.