25 Truly Odd Products That Anyone Can Buy

The world is filled with all kinds of products and inventions for people to take advantage of. With so many people creating things and so many businesses coming up with new items, it's hard to say whether or not there is anything original left to be made. Surely, by now, everything has been done and is on the shelves, right? Well, sometimes someone comes up with something totally new and shocks everyone.
It's hard to say whether or not absolutely everything needs to exist. Like, does every chip flavour combination really need to be out there? Does every tiny gadget need to be made for everyone's convenience? Who really knows? Sometimes a product leaves people thinking "of course that's a thing", and that's okay.
Reddit's /r/ofcoursethatsathing is a subreddit where people share all of the weirdest products and inventions that really do exist out there. Here are 25 of them that are leaving people questioning the sanity of others.