25 Ultimate Choosing Beggars Making Huge Demands
There is nothing worse than an entitled person. Entitled people make the world a much harder place to live in because of their infuriating ways. There are regular entitled people and then there are the ultimate entitled people, choosing beggars. Choosing beggars are the kinds of people who never learned what the phrase "beggars can't be choosers" means. They have no shame when it comes to asking for things for free, and they have no limits, either.
Whether it's free groceries, free services or a free car, these people expect the world to cater to their every want and need for nothing in return. A lot of the time they end up being real Karens too, making it so much worse. It's insane what some of these folks are trying to get out of the general public — where do they get the audacity? Reddit's /r/ChoosingBeggars is a subreddit that exposes these entitled people for all of the insanity they spread online. Here are just 25 of them making some huge demands that probably won't be met.