
25 Unexplainable And Off-Putting Images From Reddit

Two images from reddit
Two images from reddit

Published December 19, 2023

Published December 19, 2023

There are some really bizarre photos out there. Someone was just in the right place at the right time to capture a photo that is somewhat unexplainable. The history and reasoning behind these photos are unknown at times, and the context for them is left up to the imagination, which is probably for the best. Some of these images are definitely cursed images, which are the kinds of photos that definitely have something sinister going on. Like when they're looked at, there's definitely some sort of curse being transferred from it to the viewer. Others are just unexplainable occurrences.

These sorts of photos can be found anywhere, but one of the best places to look for them is on Reddit. Subreddits give users the opportunity to share their most peculiar photo finds with the rest of the world for everyone else to also be a little confused by them. There really is no reaction other than "what?" to these 25 photos.

What Is This Avocado?

This Laptop

"This was dropped off in my kids' sandbox"


Whatever is in This Ice Cube

Is This Official?

What The…


"Passenger caught trying to smuggle two otters and a prairie dog in his underwear at airport security"

Manta Ray Caught

What Happened Here?


What a Mascot

That Poor Car


This Is a Bathroom

Oh God

Odd Trampoline Placement


Who Is He?

Whole Lotta Chairs


Seems Safe

Garbage Car


Tags: hmmm, reddit, cursed images, avocado, food, animals, otters, christmas, mcdonalds, skiing, cursed, collections,