25 Unfortunate Moments So You Can Feel Better About Your Own Day

Life is unpredictable, that is a well-known and true fact. Sometimes things happen that cannot be controlled and sometimes they truly do ruin the day completely. While bad days are inevitable it is important to remember that everyone has them and no one is alone in the suffering. What makes it all feel a little better though is seeing the things that happen to others.
This is why subreddits like Reddit's /r/WellThatS*cks and /r/MildlyInfuriating exist. These subreddits are there to capture and share all of life's biggest failures experienced by people all around the world. Some of them are big inconveniences that may just need to be ignored momentarily and others are the small infuriating things that while might not be life-changing, are annoying nonetheless. To show that everyone has bad days sometimes, here are 25 images that perfectly capture some of those terrible moments everyone experiences in life.