
25 Unfortunate Things That Happened To People This Week

Two images from /r/wellthats***s
Two images from /r/wellthats***s

Published January 27, 2025

Published January 27, 2025

Not everything goes right in life, obviously. Honestly, more often than not, things tend to go wrong or at least differently than expected. There is no predicting what might happen in life. The world is full of surprises and sometimes things happen that can totally ruin someone's day. It doesn't even have to be the biggest inconveniences that ruin someone's day. Usually, it's the smallest inconveniences in life that make people the most annoyed.

It could be something as simple as a broken mug or a person parked inconveniently, these mildly infuriating moments don't have to be anything life-changing. A badly delivered package, technical problems, someone else being inconsiderate… these are all things that make someone's day worse. So easily something so minor can make a good day bad or a bad day even worse. Things just… happen sometimes.

The way some people deal with their infuriating moments is by sharing them online for all to see. It's both kind of funny and kind of upsetting to see how poorly some people's days are going. Here are 26 infuriating and annoying moments people experienced this week.

Ordered candy and it came half-eaten

(Source: Reddit)

A tire came flying out of nowhere

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

The way this cake sunk

(Source: Reddit)

Olive oil…

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Loft ladder broke

(Source: Reddit)

How ironic

(Source: Reddit)

Aw man…

(Source: Reddit)

The price of these eggs

(Source: Reddit)

So close

(Source: Reddit)

They did not stop

(Source: Reddit)

Supper is going to be late

(Source: Reddit)

They tried

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

That's sad

(Source: Reddit)

Insurance claims!

(Source: Reddit)

Not a great thing to come out to

(Source: Reddit)

No thumbs up

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

When food explodes in the microwave

(Source: Reddit)

Aluminum foil melted into supper

(Source: Reddit)

This house down the road

(Source: Reddit)

Smashed mirrors

(Source: Reddit)

Forgetting to put the mug in place

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: mildly infuriating, infuriating moments, facepalm, reddit, fails, fail, infuriating, hmmm, mildly interesting, news, insane people, unfortunate moment,