
25 Unfortunately Accurate 'Rare Insults'

Two rare insults in the following collection
Two rare insults in the following collection

Published April 04, 2024

Published April 04, 2024

Usually, we're told not to insult people, but at times, it's warranted. Sometimes someone's just asking for it, or there's a really funny comparison that comes to mind, which you can toss their way and be judged for forever. Not all of us are creative enough to come up with a truly good insult, though. It takes a lot of skill, but when one is spoken perfectly, it's impossible to forget, not just for the victim, but for anyone else who witnesses it from afar.

Once in a while, we come across an insult so perfect that it deserves to be memorialized forever in an online Hall of Fame. These insults were so creative and unreasonably funny that they should get some sort of pass for being so mean. And honestly, they're pretty accurate sometimes, too. These are some of the funniest times people shared their roasting skills with the rest of us, and left behind some memorable phrases.

That's Tough

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Kind of a Compliment, Actually

(Source: Reddit)

That Simpsons Look

(Source: Reddit)

And Her Probation Officer

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Don't Shame Stephen Universe

(Source: Reddit)

Air Hockey

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

He's Flint Lockwood

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

That Vegan Teacher

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Elaborate One

(Source: Reddit)

He's Right

(Source: Reddit)

I See It

(Source: Reddit)

On a Post About a Cringey White Rapper

(Source: Reddit)

Never Skip Face Day

(Source: Reddit)

Just Shave It All Off at That Point

(Source: Reddit)

Oddly Specific, But Accurate

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: rare insults, insults, roasts, roast, roasting, collections,