25 Unhinged DIY Projects That Should Never Be Recreated
For a while there, DIY projects were all the rage. People were doing everything themselves, some people were succeeding, others not so much. There are two kinds of DIY projects: ones where it doesn't really matter if they go well or not, like clothing or decor, and others that really do matter, like car work or home improvement.
Some things should not be attempted as a DIY project, there are professionals for a reason. Some people are brave, though, which results in some hilarious DIY fails. Whether it's an ugly or tacky piece of decor, or a car held together with duct tape, DIY fails come in all shapes and sizes. Reddit's /r/DiWhy is a subreddit that not only shares DIY fails but also just questionable DIY projects, ones that don't have a reason or need to ever exist. Here are 25 very unhinged DIY projects with varying amounts of success.