25 Unhinged 'Mad Lads' Pulling Some Serious Stunts

There is a certain kind of person out there who is far more courageous than the rest of the population. They have no sense of consequences, they have no idea of bounds, they just do what they want to do. These kinds of people are 'mad lads'. Derived from British slang, 'mad lads' are the kinds of people everyone should be on the lookout for, because they mean serious business. There is no telling what a true mad lad will do next, what they get up to is in no one's hands but their own.
While some of these outrageous acts are inherently more insane than others, they all push the boundaries of life and are a true test of how far a person can go. They are the kinds of acts and people that are featured in infamous 'Florida Man' type articles. When they are spotted, Reddit users share the documented, out-of-pocket acts of these wild people. The subreddit /r/madlads is full of the most unthinkable things done by mankind. Here are just 25 of them that show just how far some people will go.