
25 Very Accurate Moments Of Technical Truth

Two images from /r/technicallythetruth
Two images from /r/technicallythetruth

Published 8 months ago

Published 8 months ago

There is nothing quite as satisfying as seeing a technical truth. Something that is technically the truth is something that may not be quite right or not quite what was expected, but somehow it is still extremely correct and accurate. A technical truth is something that you just can't argue with because it isn't wrong at all. It is just right, in the most perfect way imaginable. It may be filled with puns or corny jokes, but that's what makes it so charming.

These moments of technical truth can be found in many places. They make great memes, they provide a silly turn on a serious question, or they are just a clever and harmless way to troll someone. Reddit's /r/technicallythetruth is a subreddit where users share these moments of truth they have found all over the web. Here are just 25 of these accurate moments from people spitting nothing but facts.

Colour switch

(Source: Reddit)

This is accurate

(Source: Reddit)

Not a drill

(Source: Reddit)

Wrong on so many levels

(Source: Reddit)

That truly is nuts

(Source: Reddit)

Aged well

(Source: Reddit)

Well, okay

(Source: Reddit)

Seems a little misleading

(Source: Reddit)

Baby on board

(Source: Reddit)

They've got a point

(Source: Reddit)

It definitely does

(Source: Reddit)

No problem!

(Source: Reddit)

That's the difference

(Source: Reddit)

See the point?

(Source: Reddit)

A very literal order

(Source: Reddit)

He listened

(Source: Reddit)

Sure will

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Crazy update

(Source: Reddit)

It would be crazy if he wasn't

(Source: Reddit)

That is an angle

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

That's the difference

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: can't argue with that, technically not wrong, twitter, japan, flags, coke, cola, hmmm, duolingo, cars, trucks, vehicles, facepalm, ads, reddit, /r/showerthoughts, shower thought, facebook, fb, animals, memes, starbucks, bus, funny signs, collections,