
25 Very Interesting Things To Spice Up The Weekend

Two images from /r/interestingasfuck
Two images from /r/interestingasfuck

Published April 17, 2024

Published April 17, 2024

There is a lot of cool stuff that goes on in the world. Cool is an understatement. There is a lot of super interesting, very exciting things going on all around the world that are totally worth seeing. New discoveries are being made all the time, more facts about history are popping up everywhere, and there is absolutely no shortage of knowledge or new things to learn. Taking a break from the memes and all of the silliness of the internet and replacing it with some fun facts is always a good thing to do.

While there are many places to learn new things, Reddit is one of the best. Reddit has so many subreddits made specifically for sharing the coolest parts of life and the world, and there is so much to see on them too. There's something for everyone on there. For just a small tidbit of the kinds of things someone can learn about online, here are just 25 of the most interesting things to be seen today.

Crazy backstory

(Source: Reddit)

An estimated $15,000 bike left unattended

(Source: Reddit)

Russ Cook, the first man to run the length of Africa

(Source: Reddit)

John Lennon signing his autograph for the man who would murder him

(Source: Reddit)

Kind of sad and kind of sweet

(Source: Reddit)

A whole house being moved, with people still in it

(Source: Reddit)

How different coloured shirts absorb heat

(Source: Reddit)

This is a photo of a strand of hair with a grain of sand on top

(Source: Reddit)

Anybody home…?

(Source: Reddit)

An interesting ad for… Ikea?

(Source: Reddit)

This is the waiting room of an optometry clinic

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Shipwreck found 7 feet below the World Trade Centre, from 1773

(Source: Reddit)

The longest traffic jam in history, it lasted 12 days in China in 2010

(Source: Reddit)

How English has changed over the years

(Source: Reddit)

This user found a starfish on their lawn

(Source: Reddit)

Gorilla vs. Human fingerprint

(Source: Reddit)

Maria Braynas Morea, the oldest living person, born 1907

(Source: Reddit)

Roman mosaic discovered in London

(Source: Reddit)

1000-year-old tunnel made by giant sloths in Brazil

(Source: Reddit)

Jack Black in 1992, age 23

(Source: Reddit)

Thomas Jefferson's 5x great grandson

(Source: Reddit)

Much lost knowledge

(Source: Reddit)

This rat retired after sniffing out over 100 landmines

(Source: Reddit)

One gram of Osmium, the densest and rarest stable metal on Earth

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: interesting, facts, history, jackie chan, bikes, john lennon, oddly terrifying, mildly interesting, insane people, photography, hmmm, ikea, ads, english, language, animals, gorillas, romans, england, jack black, collections,