
25 Very Rare Insults You've Never Heard Before

Two images from /r/rareinsults
Two images from /r/rareinsults

Published June 18, 2024

Published June 18, 2024

Have you ever experienced a moment in time when someone made you so angry, that the regular insults people use just did not feel good enough to use on them? Like the person in question is just that bad or that absurd that they need a special sort of insult made just for them, to really hit home. That's what rare insults are for. Rare insults are the kinds of insults that get maybe a little too specific. They hone in on the small details of a person and make insane comparisons that both confuse and insult at the same time, the best combination.

It is a special moment in time to witness the execution of a rare insult, so Reddit's is a great place to visit to see it happen over and over again. For anyone needing some rare insult inspiration, this subreddit has it all. Here are just 25 of those insanely perfect insults that definitely left a mark.

Big brain time

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Very accurate comparison

(Source: Reddit)

Gotta look up

(Source: Reddit)

He has a way with words

(Source: Reddit)

Are they really that long

(Source: Reddit)

This was a whole war

(Source: Reddit)

Interesting insult

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Bacterial insult

(Source: Reddit)

Poor elves

(Source: Reddit)

Get it

(Source: Reddit)

Don't go bragging about it

(Source: Reddit)

A Taco Bell debate

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

What was the idea?

(Source: Reddit)

That is wild

(Source: Reddit)

What does this mean

(Source: Reddit)

I see it

(Source: Reddit)

Stay in your lane, basically

(Source: Reddit)

The coin look

(Source: Reddit)

Getting wrecked by your own kid

(Source: Reddit)

Is that what happened here

(Source: Reddit)

That cut is insane

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/rareinsults, comebacks, clever comebacks, tumblr, relationships, twitter, youtube, comments, jojo siwa, reddit, dutch, french, elon musk, tinder, dating, online dating, socialism, elves, cars, vegan, iq, i am very smart, cats, collections,