25 Visually Painful Facepalm-Worthy Moments

Sometimes the stupidity of some people is just too much to take. There are moments in life when there isn't much left to say to someone, or about something, other than just a good old facepalm. The action of a facepalm, being so disappointed or shocked by something, is an impactful and telling one. It's for the moments that truly leave you speechless, like whatever is going on isn't even worth saying anything about, and bowing your head in disgrace and shame is all that's left. Usually it is caused by someone being unbelievably dumb, out-of-touch, or delusional, but there are all kinds of reasons that would trigger someone to facepalm.
Many of these situations can be found on Reddit's /r/facepalm. This subreddit, clearly, is curated for all of the most face-palmable moments found in the wild and around the web. It's a pretty painful one to scroll through, it truly shows just how insane some people are, and how much some people lack common sense these days. Here are just 25 moments that have the whole world facepalming.