
25 Wholesome Memes Containing All The Best Vibes

Two images from /r/wholesomememes
Two images from /r/wholesomememes

Published April 11, 2024

Published April 11, 2024

There are memes out there to satisfy anyone's and everyones needs. There are memes for every hobby, every interest, and every kind of person in general. One kind of meme that has the ability to lift anyone's mood though are wholesome memes. Wholesome memes are exactly how they sound, they're filled with only positivity and the best vibes around.

They can contain a variety of content, cute stories, adorable animals, positive affirmations, and so much more. The one thing they have in common, though, is that they all are made with the intention of making someone smile. It's nice to have a change in media every once in a while, the news and dark humor can get to be a lot at times, so seeing some wholesome memes can be super refreshing, like a virtual hug. Here are 25 certifiably wholesome memes that are so sweet, they can turn any day around.

6 years ain't that bad

(Source: Reddit)

Wholesome Santa moment

(Source: Reddit)

It's the orange theory all over again

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Side eye

(Source: Reddit)

A gift everyone can appreciate

(Source: Reddit)

That's too bad

(Source: Reddit)

That's what friends are fore

(Source: Reddit)

It's always like the first time

(Source: Reddit)

Pizza night is the best night

(Source: Reddit)

He's a hero

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Happens every time

(Source: Reddit)

Would be mine too

(Source: Reddit)

That's the perfect name

(Source: Reddit)

It's hard to pick one

(Source: Reddit)

There's something for everyone out there

(Source: Reddit)

Oh, y'know

(Source: Reddit)

She deserves it

(Source: Reddit)

It's a secret

(Source: Reddit)

Feels good

(Source: Reddit)

Fight against the imposter syndrome

(Source: Reddit)

Not so divided

(Source: Reddit)

He deserves everything

(Source: Reddit)

A virtual hug

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/wholesomememes, wholesome, memes, school, college, graduation, kids, christmas, santa, twitter, cute, gaming, playstation, video games, dogs, animals, drake, friends, pizza, aww, pigs, cringe, meme, cats, awww, disney, good vibes, collections,