25 Wholesome Memes For A Morning Mood Boost

These memes aren't dark and depressing like many popular ones are. Instead, they were harvested from the world's most wholesome meme farm, /r/wholesomememes. These wholesome memes might not be able to solve all the violence and bad news in the world, but they can certainly make your day feel a bit better, and when you're having a difficult morning, sometimes that's just what you need.
Wholesome memes are an acquired taste, but today, we've hand-picked some favorites. Someone out there figured out how to make you smile through a computer screen, and they're trying their very best. They made these memes in the hopes that you'd put aside the stress of your chaotic day and experience the fun and humor the world has to offer, without going into a dark hole online for once. So this morning, instead of doom-scrolling through the news, take a look at the following selections from the world of wholesome memes.