25 Wholesome Memes For A Pre-Christmas Stress Reduction

Well, the final month of the year has arrived at last. In December, things can get pretty hectic and stressful, as there are so many people, family and friends to see. There are so many celebrations, parties and suppers to attend. There, of course, is also the stress of gift buying and exchanging and the anticipation for a new year.
One thing that always stays the same no matter what, though, is the production of memes, especially wholesome memes. Wholesome memes are the kinds of memes that are good for the soul. They are heartwarming during these chilly months and are a great way to sit back and relax for a few minutes.
On Reddit's /r/wholesomememes subreddit, there are hundreds and thousands of freshly wholesome memes to look at every day. It is the best place to go for a little pick-me-up. Feel free to indulge in the sweeter side of the internet with these 25 wholesome memes today.