Two wholesome memes from the following collection.

25 Wholesome Memes To Warm Your Heart On Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving is upon us once again. The holiday season can be a little stressful for the logistics of traveling across the country to see your family, preparing your favorite food or finding ways to spend quality time by yourself (or with friends if you're doing Friendsgiving).

To help on this special holiday, here's a dose of wholesome memes that could be the perfect remedy for boredom or to crack up a smile while you are heading towards your family's house. From cute interactions with teachers at school, funny interactions on social media and just plain adorable images, this collection for sure will warm your heart. Enjoy your reading!

You are the absolute greatest

Mark Coddington @markcoddington If you are a college student who likes to nod intently at your professors while they're talking in class, just know that all of them adore you and think you are the absolute greatest

(Source: Reddit)

This dad in Texas, a true bro.

A Texas dad sold off his business and built a $51 million amusement park for his disabled daughter with free admission for everyone with special needs. Morgan's Wonderland has had more than a million visitors since it opened, and one-third of its staff includes people with special needs.

(Source: Reddit)

Half of the goth family ❤

maura @painthands I got Kiwi a lil goth gf 9/4/17, 3:55 PM View Tu

(Source: Reddit)

Everyone has a new phone

19 ⒸLI CHEN BEHOLD, A NEW PHONE! EVERYONE GATHER FOR THE GREAT SWAP. here's the old-old phone ES here is my old phone OMG OMG OLD-OLD OLD PHONE hello society it's me, mouse EXOCOMICS.COM

(Source: Reddit)

Have a nice day

ARE YA FAMOUS, SON? عهد no dad. but a couple of people are buying my Art and are being very nice

(Source: Reddit)

Got your back

That one friend who's always there for you. **

(Source: Reddit)

Wholesome comic artist

Nathan W. Pyle @nathanwpyle I stole this character's smile directly from my wife HAVE You BCCN HELPED, SIR! Taylor Alexy Pyle A . BY SO MANY PEOPLE MY ENTIAC LIFE 12:39 PM 3/11/19 Twitter for iPhone . il View Tweet activity

(Source: Reddit)

He's the best boy!

The masters abandoned this place long ago. The masters said "Stay"! One last time... I am...alone. Sandy! We're back from the store!! Aww did somebody miss us?? And I am a good boy. BAR BARK BARK Whos a good boy?? DUN BARK There is no food left. But I stay. I just wish... CUCK! Lord into lunethelt ald I could hear their voices... MASTER?! Dumb dog got in the food cabinet again. אי ווייון ו/ד (BURP XE Also wash your dishes. Seriously. ab

(Source: Redd)

That's cute

này khi thi đ Spleve E 923131 0413 my dad noticed i was stressed so he 3d printed me a little wooden elephant

(Source: Reddit)

Healthy Did You Know?

Dad! There's a spider in my room..... Get it! ) Did you know that spiders Keep the number of household pests like roaches and mosquitoes under control? Wow! Nice work little spider! SPIDERS Quick! Give me that big blue book! I feel seen! 00 90 RALL

(Source: Reddit)

Just some guys being dudes over here :)

GLASSCOLD Have You felt UNSAFE On Campus? •Discriminated against? •Threatened? •Afraid to walk around compus? We will walk With you

(Source: Reddit)

Help goes a long way


(Source: Reddit)

Employee of the Month Larry

Larry got his first job 2day. Uber Eats Uber Eats

(Source: Reddit)

Each tweet is wholesomer than the last

JasonLastname @JasonLastname Breaks my heart that pirates spend their whole lives following a map, when the real treasure is the friendships they build along the way. Alison Hacker @AlisonsTweeting I don't know who you are @JasonLastname but your tweet is now framed and hung up in my apartment JasonLastname @JasonLastname I don't know who you are @AlisonsTweeting but your tweet is now framed and hung up in my house Alison char kw 9 Retweets 67 Likes but and and hungs 9:04 AM - 2/1/19- Twitter for iPhone

(Source: Reddit)

I want one

This is a baby barn owl running across grass. Barn owlets start flapping their wings at seven weeks Hannie Heere

(Source: Reddit)

A Wholesome Garfield Comic


(Source: Reddit)

Give yourself some credit


(Source: Reddit)

There will be someone who understands you and untangles your mind

Absolutely love this depiction of therapy. Please remember how powerful talking is

(Source: Reddit)

Such a respectful way to send a note!

Daniel Au @Dan_TheGreat Walked into a class of 200 to give this to a girl and got this text I'm dead You are one of the most. beautiful girls I've ever seen.. (unless you have a boyfciend) Hope you have a good day! PS Not sure if, fou ean like this drink but I couldn't. walk up to you in your clar just to band you a note iMessage Today 3:16 PM Hello Daniel, This is the boyfriend of the girl you gave a Starbucks drink today. I'm texting you to thank you for making her smile and being very classy about it. Adding that don't text if you have a boyfriend part. Anyways we thought I should text u just so u know. The sender is not in your contact list Report Junk

(Source: Reddit)

He wants a future with her

Sat Sat @AfroFlytina when did you realize he loved you? let's get some positive stories going Pharaoh @OhhTalia We got into an argument and I yelled at him LOUD AF.. he then said, "Im in love with you and one day I want to marry you and have you're going to have to find a way to communicate your emotions without yelling bcuz Im not gonna have us arguing in front of our kids.".. ...

(Source: Reddit)

Mickey mouse


(Source: Reddit)

Hello there

Pleased to meet you, little lichen hand.

(Source: Redd)

This rug, based on a scene from the classic cartoon Tom and Jerry

(Source: Redd)

67-year-old man's dream comes true – Learn from this man

Tweet 193RD COMME 4G My goal was to graduate before I reached 100 years of age. I made it with 33 years to spare. #gsu18 Tweet your reply 11:21

(Source: Reddit)

Cloud with legs

"Lol introverts must be sad for having no friends." Introverts: мотроветы jealous?

(Source: Reddit)

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