26 'Deep' Posts That Are Honestly Kind Of Shallow
Everyone has seen those motivational, inspiring, and wannabe 'deep' posts circulating the web. They are a common yet strange kind of post that seems to only resonate with certain crowds. They normally contain some sort of image or comic along with a quote or short message that implies some deeper meaning or gives commentary on the way society is.
While these images might come across as meaningful at first, upon further investigation, they are really just shallow and pretty cringeworthy. It's normally young teens and boomers who enjoy this kind of content, which is odd, but true.
Reddit's cleverly titled subreddit, /r/im14andthisisdeep, is a subreddit where people can share all of these terrible posts that want to change the world. It's hard to say if anyone is truly getting anything from these images, it's hard to believe they are. Here are 26 deep posts that are honestly just so bad.