26 DIY Fails That Deserve To Be Shamed | Know Your Meme


26 DIY Fails That Deserve To Be Shamed

Two images from /r/diwhy
Two images from /r/diwhy

Published 2 days ago

Published 2 days ago

There was a while there when everyone was DIYing everything. DIY projects were all the rage with so many how-to videos popping up. People had more confidence in their crafting skills than ever before. While the craze has simmered a little, people still choose to DIY all kinds of things in their lives. Some of these projects go well, others not so much.

There are a few kinds of DIY projects, some that should be attempted and some that should never be attempted. When it comes to trivial things like decorations and clothing, there really isn't any harm in making it yourself besides coming up with something slightly tacky. Projects like home improvement, though, should be left to the professionals. Those kinds of projects can be detrimental, and getting them wrong can result in some real regret.

Reddit's /r/diwhy is a subreddit filled with DIY fails done by people who had a little more confidence in themselves than they should have. Here are 26 times people tried something and it didn't really go the way they thought it would.

It's a reindeer

(Source: Reddit)

Custom chairs

(Source: Reddit)

Well that's… something

(Source: Reddit)

Good for him

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Headphones made wireless

(Source: Reddit)

This lamp?

(Source: Reddit)

No flatscreen? Make it flat

(Source: Reddit)

They didn't even try

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

In a restaurant bathroom

(Source: Reddit)

Tried to dye it to cover stains

(Source: Reddit)

This knitted baby

(Source: Reddit)

What a gem

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Oh wow

(Source: Reddit)

Seems sturdy

(Source: Reddit)

A nice accent wall

(Source: Reddit)

Job well done

(Source: Reddit)

The definition of "not my job"

(Source: Reddit)

Sit together

(Source: Reddit)

For the dad in your life

(Source: Reddit)

Wonder if it still smells like them

(Source: Reddit)

Now the door has a peep hole

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Gotta be a joke

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: diwhy, diy fails, /r/diwhy, fails, cars, car mods, hmmm, facebook, fb, fb marketplace, one job, /r/hmmm, mildly interesting, atbge, awful taste but great execution, tihi, thanks i hate it, awful images, failed, fail, oof, big oof, yikes, diy, facepalm,