26 Embarrassing Job Fails That Are Just So Obvious
Things are bound to go wrong at work sometimes. Things just don't always work out the way they are meant to. Mistakes are made, things malfunction and in general, people have bad days. Making a mistake at work is always an embarrassing thing to do. Depending on the line of work someone is in, some people's mistakes are worse than others. Those working behind the scenes generally can fix their mistakes easily, someone working in public settings does not have that luxury.
Some mistakes are very apparent and obvious, almost to the point where it's hard to imagine how someone made that mistake. While these mistakes might be devastating for the worker, they are entertaining, or sometimes frustrating, for those seeing them. Reddit's /r/onejob is a subreddit where people had one job they just couldn't seem to do right. From mislabeled products to upside-down signs to crashes, here are 26 people who clearly had a bad day at work.