26 Funny Signs Entertaining And Informing Everyone

When it comes to signage in the world, it is a complicated matter. Signs are needed for many reasons. Signs are used to advertise businesses and inform people of sales, of course. Signs are also used to warn people and caution them on the roads and on paths. Signs can be used to guide people and to educate people as well.
They are a necessary evil … evil because they take up so much space. Billboards and other banners block natural views, and most of the time, they aren't all that pretty to look at. So, how does one fix this issue? By making them funny.
A funny sign is a sign worth remembering. Whether it's a passive-aggressive jab or a silly dad joke, everyone loves a funny sign. Sometimes, they even get shared to places like Reddit's /r/funnysigns, meaning even more people will see them; it's a win-win. Here are 26 funny signs and notices people will actually pay attention to.