
26 Hilarious Signs Seen In Public

Two images from /r/funnysigns
Two images from /r/funnysigns

Published November 08, 2024

Published November 08, 2024

At some point in time, everyone has seen a sign in the wild that was a little bit silly. Signs are used for all sorts of reasons. Signs are important to society because they alert people of stores and products, they guide people on the roads, and they caution people of dangers ahead. Even though they are so important, signs are not the most visually pleasing things to see. Signs take up a lot of natural space, and most of the time, they are kind of ugly. So, what's a better way to brighten up the day and fix the ugly sign problem? Make signs funny! Funny signs are signs that contain jokes, passive-aggressive comments, and other silly sentiments. Funny signs are the perfect way to get a message across that people will actually remember. As an added bonus, many times, people share these signs online. Reddit's /r/funnysigns is a subreddit for people to share any humorous sign they see in the wild. Here are 26 of them that made someone's day.

A subtle warning

(Source: Reddit)

Sounds like a bad night

(Source: Reddit)

That's a huge dog

(Source: Reddit)

What a deal

(Source: Reddit)

Who did this?

(Source: Reddit)

Get it?

(Source: Reddit)

Well now I'm confused

(Source: Reddit)

One stop shop

(Source: Reddit)

Or maybe next week

(Source: Reddit)

Tough choices to be made…

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Someone knew what they were doing

(Source: Reddit)

Well, they have a point

(Source: Reddit)

Sure are

(Source: Reddit)

He's got a sense of humour

(Source: Reddit)

I pay therefore I am

(Source: Reddit)

It's true

(Source: Reddit)

Some people…

(Source: Reddit)

You don't say…

(Source: Reddit)

Good enough

(Source: Reddit)

More so the cat

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Hey, what?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Got 'em

(Source: Reddit)

Clever ad

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: funny signs, funny store signs, signs, /r/funnysigns, accidental comedy, juxtaposition, one job, you had one job, typo, animals, hmmm, shirts, funny shirts, /r/hmmm, /r/onejob, facepalm, /r/facepalm, jokes, dad jokes, sarcasm, puns, bad jokes, corny jokes, collections,