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26 Insane Facebook Memes No One Is Laughing At

Two images from /r/terriblefacebookmemes
Two images from /r/terriblefacebookmemes

Published September 28, 2024

Published September 28, 2024

One of the worst places to go for fresh memes is Facebook. Specifically, the ones shared by those weird relatives and old people who don't really have a clue. Everyone has a different sense of humor, which is fine, it's just that boomers seem to have such a bad sense of humor that none of their memes end up being funny, except to them.

Everyone has seen the kinds of things they share before. They usually contain some sort of rhetoric about young people and society today, or they speak down about other people. They're just kind of shallow and out-of-touch and really cringeworthy. Reddit's /r/terriblefacebookmemes is a subreddit made for sharing and exposing all of those bad memes found online. Most of them likely come from Facebook directly, but sometimes they leak into other platforms as well. So here are 26 of the worst memes shared by people with a terrible sense of humor online.


(Source: Reddit)

I wish I never saw this

(Source: Reddit)

So deep

(Source: Reddit)

Get it!

(Source: Reddit)

We are doomed

(Source: Reddit)

Some people…

(Source: Reddit)

Ba dum tss

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Alpha male type post

(Source: Reddit)

Ah, yes, definitely

(Source: Reddit)

That water plant appeared out of nowhere

(Source: Reddit)

Kids these days

(Source: Reddit)

Time for the tinfoil hats

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

This is wild

(Source: Reddit)

To the trash this goes

(Source: Reddit)

Kids and their beer and video games

(Source: Reddit)

Women bad

(Source: Reddit)

Too woke

(Source: Reddit)

Fresh from 2012

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Redd)

Who printed this?

(Source: Reddit)

Was this meant to be funny?

(Source: Reddit)

Classic minion moment

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: terrible facebook memes, memes, facebook, /r/terriblefacebookmemes, cringe memes, boomer humour, boomer memes, facebook memes, deep, cars, electric cars, conspiracy theories, cringe meme, comedy cemetery, cringeworthy memes, oof, boomers, collections,

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