26 Insane Things Said By Americans Online

Not to put a whole bunch of people into one group, but some Americans say some insane things. It is common knowledge that Americans are patriotic, that's one of their biggest things. Many Americans love America, and that's great. It's fine to love the place you live in, but some people take it a step too far. When that appreciation turns into bashing other countries or making insane false claims about your country, then it's a problem. It's hard to say whether some people are truly that uneducated when it comes to talking about America and the rest of the world or if it's all some big joke.
Reddit's /r/S***AmericansSay is a subreddit made to expose all of the Americans who are just a little delusional. Some truly absurd comments on this subreddit are unbelievable to read, the fact that anyone truly thinks some of these things is astounding. So here are 26 insane things said by Americans that may or may not surprise some people.