
26 Insults No One Has Ever Heard Before

Two images from /r/rareinsults
Two images from /r/rareinsults

Published November 19, 2024

Published November 19, 2024

Insulting someone or making a comment about their appearance is never an objectively nice thing to do. Sometimes, though, some people deserve an insult. Maybe they did something terrible or maybe they're just too easy to insult that it's warranted. When it comes to insults, though, they better be good. There is no point in insulting someone with an insult that isn't even going to affect them. That's why it's important to come up with rare insults.

Rare insults are new or rarely used insults that are so unique and specific that they both insult and confuse the person. Sometimes, they get so specific that it's kind of impressive. Not only are rare insults effective, but they are hilarious, too. Reddit's /r/rareinsults is a subreddit where people can share all of the most diabolical insults they find online. So, for anyone who needs some insult inspiration, here are 26 rare insults that actually worked.


(Source: Reddit)

It was deserved

(Source: Reddit)

Back in the day…

(Source: Reddit)

The resemblance is uncanny

(Source: Reddit)

I see it

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Madonna is wild

(Source: Reddit)

That hurts

(Source: Reddit)

Let him live

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Do your own thing

(Source: Reddit)

Insane haircut

(Source: Reddit)

Sure, okay

(Source: Reddit)

Everyone knows what they mean

(Source: Reddit)

No humour here

(Source: Reddit)

Cartoon food

(Source: Reddit)

It's kind of everything

(Source: Reddit)

Hot dog water

(Source: Reddit)

A terrible tweet

(Source: Reddit)

He looks familar

(Source: Reddit)

From the old days…

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Lesson learnt

(Source: Reddit)

A soap side-hustle

(Source: Reddit)

Billy goat vibes

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: rare insults, /r/rareinsults, insults, comebacks, clever comebacks, murdered by words, marvel, dc, thanos, quora, joe rogan, twitter, cat in the hat, mcdonalds, wordle, mr beast, gaming, alpha male, pi, reddit, math memes, collections,