
26 LinkedIn Lunatics Spouting Nonsense

Two images from /r/linkedinlunatics
Two images from /r/linkedinlunatics

Published December 06, 2024

Published December 06, 2024

Every social media site was made with a different goal and for a different set of people. Every site has its own unique user base where everyone has a different goal. Some places are made for sharing images, some are for sharing thoughts and memories, and some are for sharing professional ventures. The site for that is LinkedIn. LinkedIn was made for those who want to make connections and for businesses to share their successes. What it has turned into, though, is something insane.

Instead of being the professional place it's meant to be, LinkedIn has become a place for hustle culture insanity and lunatic business people who think everyone should be billionaires by 30. These people work more than they live, they take no days off and believe everyone else should do the same. It's insane.

Reddit's /r/linkedinlunatics is a subreddit where people post the most insane posts, images, and updates made by crazy people on the site. Here are just 26 of those wild moments no one can really believe are real.

That's dark

(Source: Reddit)

That picture though

(Source: Reddit)

Oh… congrats?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Is is really a joke though…

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Getting saucy

(Source: Reddit)

This is insane

(Source: Reddit)

Four years?!

(Source: Reddit)

What IS this?

(Source: Reddit)

Our cover is blown

(Source: "":)

Satire, but gold

(Source: Reddit)

They have a point

(Source: Reddit)

Hey, what?

(Source: Reddit)

Thanks for sharing

(Source: Reddit)

This didn't happen

(Source: Reddit)

The best advice out there!

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

No working from home

(Source: Reddit)

Career vs babies

(Source: Reddit)

Leave him alone

(Source: Reddit)

Sounds boring

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

They really hate people who buy coffee

(Source: Reddit)

NEVER turn off notifications

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: linkedin, linkedin lunatics, /r/linkedinlunatics, insane people, social media, remote work, elon musk, bad tattoos, facepalm, /r/facepalm, mildly infuriating, insane people online, infuriating, /r/mildlyinfuriating, hmmm, oof, big oof, yikes, hustle cultu,