26 Madlads Making The World A More Chaotic Place

There are some people out there in the world who are just braver than the rest of us. Some people have the ability to do things that normal people would never think of doing. These people live life on the edge; they do things before thinking and have no remorse for their actions. These people can be referred to as mad lads. Mad lads are people who do things that others wouldn't even think of doing.
There is no blueprint for a mad lad; it's all based on vibes. A mad lad could be seen doing something chaotically good, or they could be committing a serious crime, there's really no saying for sure what they're going to do next. While mad lads can pop up anywhere, one place where tons of them are found is Reddit's /r/madlads, of course. This subreddit is a gallery made just for all of the mad lads to get the recognition they deserve. Here are 26 insane mad lads doing the absolute most.