26 Major Throwbacks Making Us All Feel Old

Things have changed a lot over the years, technology has advanced in crazy ways, trends and fads have come and gone, and the world is just different now. It's cool to look back on how different things were even just 20, 30, or 40 years ago. Relatively that isn't that long, but when seeing what things were like back then it seems like a whole different world. Nostalgia is a weird feeling, it's both happy and sad.
It's fun to remember the moments, places, toys, movies, people and games from childhood, but it can also be sad knowing it will never be like that again. Some images create that nostalgic feeling for a collective group of people. It's something certain age groups can bond over. Reddit's /r/nostalgia is a subreddit where users can share everything they find nostalgic, which tends to be popular objects and icons from the '80s, '90s, and early 2000s. So here are 26 images that might make some people feel a little old today.