
26 Nostalgic Images Of Classic Rockers

Two images from /r/classicrock
Two images from /r/classicrock

Published December 19, 2024

Published December 19, 2024

Times have changed greatly over the years. From fashion to hobbies to music, of course, everything is different now than it was even just 30 years ago. That amount of time isn't a ton, relatively, but it sure seems like it when comparing life from then to now. Some things don't change over the years, though. One of those things is a love for rock music. Rock music is fun, loud, and creates some strong emotions and reactions. Rock music has changed and shaped society into what it is today, and it's important to remember those classic rockers from the past.

There are many classic music and rock icons to be remembered. Some of them are no longer in the world, but many are, and many are still creating to this day. Whether someone is a genuine fan of classic rock music or just knows some of the songs their dads played in the car, it's fun to see these people as they were in their prime.

Here are 26 very interesting and somewhat surprising images of classic rock icons of the past and some memorable moments from shows and society back in the good old days.

Keith Richards is 81 this year

(Source: Reddit)

Tom Petty

(Source: Reddit)

AC/DCs Bon Scott

(Source: Reddit)

Living Colour

(Source: Reddit)

Bob Seger selfie

(Source: Reddit)

Brad Delp

(Source: Reddit)

Jon Bon Jovi, what a guy

(Source: Reddit)

Young Neil Peart

(Source: Reddit)

Billy Gibbons

(Source: Reddit)

David Gilmore

(Source: Reddit)

How much artists were paid to play Woodstock in 1969

(Source: Reddit)

Frampton comes alive

(Source: Reddit)

What a place to be

(Source: Reddit)

So many icons in one photo

(Source: Reddit)

Rush and the Runaways, 1977

(Source: Reddit)

Jimi Hendrix at a Doors concert

(Source: Reddit)

Bruce Springsteen and his corvette

(Source: Reddit)

Ann and Nancy Wilson of Heart

(Source: Reddit)

Robert Plant and The Runaways

(Source: Reddit)

Circus magazine

(Source: Reddit)

That's one cool room

(Source: Reddit)

ZZ Top at a high school prom in 1970

(Source: Reddit)

Lou Reed, Bob Dylan, Tom Petty, and Randy Newman

(Source: Reddit)

Old concert tickets

(Source: Reddit)

Alice Cooper and Keith Moon

Led Zeppelin, backstage

Tags: old school cool, /r/oldschoolcool, nostalgia, classic rock, nostalgic images, rock music, music, musicians, nostalgic photos, 90s nostalgia, 70s nostalgia, 80s nostalgis, 1980s, 1990s, 1970s, cool photos,