26 Photos Featuring Life In 1965

It is quite amazing and pretty interesting to think about how much life has changed over the decades. Society is so much different now than it was in the 1960s, and the '60s were not all that long ago, relatively speaking. Sometimes it can be fun to take a look back at the old days, because a lot can be learnt from history that has passed and from the people who lived during it. From a change in trends to fashion to music to films and just about everything else imaginable, things are just so much different now.
The 1960s was an era of change and revolution. It was revolutionary in terms of social norms and everything else. Clothing, music, and recreational activities were becoming more obscure and people were a bit more daring. To get more specific, 1965 was a big year for the decade for plenty of reasons. Halfway through the decade marked some pretty amazing changes. There was the passage of the Voting Rights Act, of course. In pop culture, The Rolling Stones embarked on a world tour, and Muhammad Ali rose to victory. There was a lot going on.
So, here we have collected 26 images from 1965 that encapsulate what life looked like back then. It is impossible to capture it all, but some of the essence and vibe can be represented through these images.
African Americans line up to cast ballots after the passage of the Voting Rights Act in 1965
(Source: Reddit)