26 Silly Cats And Kittens Caught Going 'Goblin Mode'

We love them, we feed them, we clean their toilets and give them a warm home … and what do these so-called "pets" repay us with? The dastardly fluffballs just do whatever they want, zooming and jumping and scratching and biting through the house interior on their quest for a great adventure, getting themselves in all sorts of stupid situations as they enter the so-called "goblin mode."
But being a little silly is an essential part of every cat's nature, and, be honest, you wouldn't want it to be otherwise. Because your part of this bargain is getting a hearty laugh whenever your beloved cat gets itself stuck in a card box for the third time this week, so take a photograph next time it happens and share it online, and you might just find your fluffy baby in one of these collections some day.