26 Situations That Are Really Just Unfortunate

Sometimes things just don't go as planned. Life is full of ups and downs and many of those downs are totally unavoidable. Life gets wrenches thrown into it that no one could have predicted, it's rough, but it's true. It's hard to know what to do in some situations besides just stand back and take it all in. There are tons of things that can go wrong in a day. Cars can break down, houses can fall apart, animals can cause havoc and people can be terrible. There's no saying what might happen next in life, everyone just has to take it day by day.
Reddit has a few subreddits for users to share the most infuriating situations life throws at them. This subreddit is a way to find peace in the terrible days and moments and to remember that everyone has those moments from time to time. Here are 26 people who clearly had a rough day.