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Studio Ghibli AI Generator image example depicting disaster girl.

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Tralalero Tralala meme example.

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26 Terrible Car Modifications Spotted In The Wild

Two terrible car mods
Two terrible car mods

Published November 21, 2024

Published November 21, 2024

It seems like a lot of people have tried out DIY at one point or another, making some of the wildest homemade projects. But there are certainly some things that really shouldn't be done by people who aren't professionals at their skills, and some things that just shouldn't have been made in the first place. Generally, when it comes to cars, you should be especially carefu, so the following images pretty much fall into both categories. They're particularly questionable, since they're car mods, meaning that these cars might actually be out on the street right now, distracting people, or impaling another car with the harpoon attached to the bumper.

Personal and work-related vehicles are a high-risk investment to be messing around with, especially when they turn to DIY fails. They might not technically be illegal, but we can't imagine they're legal, either. It's also likely that the things stuck to the outsides will become a moldy mess after the car splashes through a puddle for the first time. Here are some vehicles that definitely should not be allowed out on the street.

Now that's something

(Source: Reddit)

The harpoon

(Source: Reddit)

HDMI ports

(Source: Reddit)

Rambo's car

(Source: Reddit)

The minivan truck

(Source: Reddit)

Shiny exhaust

(Source: Reddit)

So many wheels

Whole lotta decorations



What are those wheels

Gotta love Facebook Marketplace

Looking good

(Source: Reddit)

What a bumper

No way…


The best form of security

Street horns

It's real wood

So aerodynamic

(Source: Reddit)

When you know a guy

(Source: Reddit)

Truck so tall you need a bucket to get in

(Source: Reddit)

Matched paint and everything

(Source: Reddit)

It's a Jeep thing

(Source: Reddit)

Ruined car sunroof

(Source: Reddit)

Painted the wheels

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: atbge, awful taste, great execution, terrible car mods, car mods, car modifications, diy fails, diy, collections,

Meme Encyclopedia