26 Things That Made People Mad This Week

Things go wrong in life all the time, constantly. Even plans that are so well-thought-out go wrong sometimes. Life has so many twists and turns; there is no saying when something crazy, infuriating, or weird might happen. There's just no saying for sure what a day has in store. Sometimes, it isn't even the biggest issues that ruin someone's day. Everyone has had their day ruined by something super mildly infuriating, and that's okay.
There are plenty of instances that can turn someone's day from good to bad or from bad to even worse. It could be something as annoying as car trouble or something as irritating as a broken favorite mug. No one can control these infuriating moments that happen to everyone; all people can do is deal with them as they come.
The way some people deal with their infuriating moments is by sharing them online for all to see. It's always funny to see how badly some people's days are going, and it can make someone feel better about their own day. Here are 26 images of moments no one was expecting.