26 Truly Terrible Memes Found On Facebook
Okay, so maybe humor is subjective. Everyone is going to find different things funny and unfunny. It's normal for people to have preferences in humor. It comes to a point, though, with some memes, where it just isn't funny. Some memes are made with such bad taste, out-of-touch humor, and so many dead references that there is no comedy to be found. There seem to be a lot of these kinds of memes found on Facebook. Facebook gets memes last, so things are already dead by the time they get there. Also, some Baby Boomers share a lot of insane memes, which doesn't help.
Reddit's /r/terriblefacebookmemes is a subreddit that features utterly insane memes and posts people have found while scrolling Facebook. Fair warning, a lot of these are insanely cringeworthy and some kind of hurt to see. Here are 28 of them we can't believe anyone is enjoying in this day and age.