26 Unexpected Memes Needing A Double-Take

Memes, in general, are meant to be unexpected, that's the whole point of a joke. As soon as someone expects or predicts the ending of a joke, it isn't as funny anymore. Sometimes, some memes are kind of predictable, like someone might be able to guess the pattern of a meme and what the joke is. Other times, though, things are totally unexpected, they catch everyone off guard and might even need a second or third read. They start off going one way and end up the complete opposite.
These kinds of jokes totally warrant a double-take and make everyone say "hol' up". Inspired by the Vault Boy 'Hold up' meme, Reddit's /r/holup is a subreddit where people post all of the most unexpected things the Internet has to offer. From serious headlines to silly jokes and everything in between, sometimes the world surprises us. Here are 26 memes no one was expecting.