
27 Brilliant Times Things Were Technically True

Two images from /r/technicallythetruth.
Two images from /r/technicallythetruth.

Published November 04, 2024

Published November 04, 2024

When something is classified as being "technically the truth," it means that it isn't wrong, but it also wasn't the answer that was expected. Technical truths are the kinds of comments and answers to things that do solve the question in hand, just not in a super productive or helpful way. They are blunt, sarcastic, and sometimes a little corny, almost like a dad joke. While they may not be the answers people were looking for, they are the ones the world needs, and that's what really matters. Who needs the real truth? Technical truth is where it's at.

The internet and everyone who uses it loves technical truths. That is apparent in Reddit's /r/technicallythetruth. This subreddit features thousands of moments of technical truths that no one can argue with because they are just so right. The logic in all of these images is infallible. Here are 27 images and comments that are full of technical truths to enjoy and think about today.

All the signs

(Source: Reddit)

Ba dum tsss

(Source: Reddit)

He has… some plan

(Source: Reddit)

Yes, I am double-checking 2×3

(Source: Reddit)

Yeah… perspective

(Source: Reddit)

She's real for this

(Source: Reddit)

That they are

(Source: Reddit)

That needs a comma

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Sometime before that

(Source: Reddit)

Very effective

(Source: Reddit)

A beautiful name

(Source: Reddit)

They aren't wrong

(Source: Reddit)

Ketchup ONLY

(Source: Reddit)

Okay, point made

(Source: Reddit)

The surface is flat

(Source: Reddit)

A cross is a cross

(Source: Reddit)

It's not a movie at all

(Source: Reddit)

Gluten-free fence

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

That's why

(Source: Reddit)

Make it make sense

(Source: Reddit)

It's true

(Source: Reddit)

Their point stands

(Source: Reddit)

Oh, okay

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Tags: technically the truth, /r/technicallythetruth, technically true, can't argue with that, technically not wrong, true, truth, twitter, reddit, funny signs, google, ai, nintendo, memes, facepalm, /r/facepalm, hmmm, mildly interesting, mildly infuriating, dad,