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27 Funny Signs That Are Worth Reading

Two images from /r/funnysigns
Two images from /r/funnysigns

Published September 14, 2024

Published September 14, 2024

Signs take up a whole lot of space in the world. They are a necessary evil. Signs are used for all kinds of things. Signs can be used to inform people of stores and sales. Signs can be used to guide people on the roads. Signs can be used to caution and warn people of potential dangers. They are needed in society, but they aren't always pleasing to see. Signs are big and ugly, and they block nicer views. Since they are so crucial, though, what can be done to make them a little better?

One way to improve signage across the globe is to make signs funny. Funny signs filled with sarcasm, jokes, and passive-aggressive behavior will always be entertaining. These kinds of signs are the ones people are actually listening to, and isn't that what sign-makers want? Making signs funny is doing a service to the world. Here are 27 funny signs that are changing the world of signage for the better.

Make sense?

(Source: Reddit)

Oh, okay

(Source: Reddit)

Nothing happened!

(Source: Reddit)

An important reminder

(Source: Reddit)

Go ahead… or don't

(Source: Reddit)

They beat the robots

(Source: Reddit)

They aren't wrong

(Source: Reddit)

Do they?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Some people need the reminder

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

Feeling like a squirrel in traffic

(Source: Reddit)

Be the problem

(Source: Reddit)

A little dark

(Source: Reddit)

What are we being careful of?

(Source: Reddit)

Are you sure about that?

(Source: Reddit)


(Source: Reddit)

I get it

(Source: Reddit)

It's true

(Source: Reddit)

Now I'm confused

(Source: Reddit)

You don't say…

(Source: Reddit)

Get a salad

(Source: Reddit)

They deserve a raise

(Source: Reddit)

Two kinds of people

(Source: Reddit)

It only improves tolerance

(Source: Reddit)

Exhibit A

(Source: Reddit)

Tags: /r/funnysigns, funny signs, signs, road signs, finding nemo, kfc, bears, animals, accidental comedy, /r/accidentalcomedy, facepalm, store signs, funny store signs, juxtaposition, dark humour, church signs, funny church signs, driving, collections,

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