27 Funny Signs Worth Seeing Today

Signs are one of those things in life that are necessary yet evil. Signs are needed in the world for so many reasons; they help people in all kinds of ways. They help businesses and customers by advertising sales and stores. They exist on the roads to guide and caution drivers. Overall, signs are helpful. Although all of this may be true, it is also true that signs are ugly and take up quite a bit of space. Signs take up natural space and can block pretty views, and that just isn't okay.
So what's the solution? The solution is simple: make the signs funny. If a sign is at least a little humorous, it won't be as terrible to have to look at all day long. Funny signs can contain purposeful puns and jokes to make people laugh, or sometimes signs become funny accidentally, which is arguably even better. Funny signs make the world a slightly brighter place, so here are 27 examples of funny signs people enjoy seeing during the day.